Julian and Anna Baran
Julian (born in 1905, died in 1980) and Anna (born in 1911) Baran. During World War II they lived in Brzeżany (Ukraine). Together they hid a Jewish couple: Klara and Marek Zipper, who had escaped from the Brzeżany ghetto. Julian and Anna Baran were awarded the title Righteous Among the Nations in 1985.
Maria Szymańska - Milk
Janina Izabela Cybulska recounts the fortunes of her family. She talks, among other things, about her grandmother – Maria Szymańska, who brought milk to Jews hiding in the basement in Brzeżany. She also speaks about the fate of Jews in Lviv during World War II.
Wawrzyniec and Julia Koconiow from the village of Zieleniów
Wawrzyniec and Julia Kocoń lived in the village of Zieleniów (Stanisławowska province) during the occupation. Today these regions belong to Ukraine. Thanks to their effort, three people of Jewish origin were saved. Tinka and Fiszel Kornweitz lived with Wiki Wilberg-Hudel’s mother in Brzeżany (Tarnopole province). The married couple dealt in iti...