Feliksa and Stanisław Adameczek
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- Ernestynów
- Feliksa and Stanisław Adameczek
Stanisław Adameczek
Feliksa Adameczek
In the village of Ernestynów (Lubelskie province) lived Stanisław (1897-1946) and Feliksa (1898-1984) Adameczek with their family. In the summer of 1942 Herszl Kurchant came to their farm asking for shelter for himself and his children: Marianka, Blima and Lejba. The man was a shoemaker, lived in Serokomla, and had known Stanisław since before the war. When in 1942 the Germans began liquidating the local Jews, Herszel’s wife Fajga and their four children were murdered. The man and his remaining offspring managed to survive and decided to look for a hiding place. Stanisław did not leave them in their hour of need, he dug a shelter for them under the granary on his farm. In addition, the Adameczeks made one of their rooms available to Herszl so that he could perform his work. Once in a while, Herszl and his children would go out to the nearby forests to meet other Jews hiding there. One such outing in August 1943 turned out to be tragic. Following an anonymous tip-off, the German gendarmerie raided the forest. Several dozen Jews were killed, including Herszl and Marianka. Blima, who was severely wounded, was taken back to the Adameczeks. For the sake of the girl, Stanisław went to Dęblin for bandages. Lejba also managed to survive and return to the hiding place, together with another Jewish woman, Dorka Ajzenberg. For unknown reasons, the man returned to the forest, from which he never came back. Before leaving, he asked Stanisław and Feliksa to look after his sister and Dorka. Thanks to the care of the Adameczek family, they managed to survive until the end of the war. Dorka Ajzenberg emigrated to Israel, and Blima Kurchant remained in Poland, changing her name to Marianna Adameczek.
The Yad Vashem Institute, recognising the merits of Stanisław and Feliksa in saving the Jewish people during the Holocaust, honoured them with the title „Righteous Among the Nations” on 4 May 1994.”
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