Siniarski family - murdered for helping Jews
Siniarski Stanisław
Siniarska Marianna
Siniarski Edward
Siniarska Irena
Siniarski Marian Józef
Stanisław Siniarski, together with his wife Marianna and their children, Edward, Irena and Marian Józef, lived in Lutkówka near Mszczonów. During the German occupation, they gave shelter to a Jewish family of three (a married couple with a child) called Lipszyc. Those Jews also hid with other Poles, e.g. Hanka Lipszyc stayed with the Zgórzaks and the Borowskis. They came to the Siniarskis just before the actual confinement. „And this Jewish woman was pregnant and had a very difficult labour. And they sent a lady there to help with the birth. And her name was Mrs. Borowicz (…) and she came and delivered the baby, but it turned out that her husband was collaborating with the Gestapo and he reported it”.
On 10 March 1944, gendarmes from Mszczonów arrived at the Siniarski household and surrounded the house. Seeing this, Lipszyc came out of the house. He was immediately shot. Then, the whole Siniarski family was dragged out of their beds and led out. They were ordered to lie down on the ground and then the Germans fired shots. The two youngest Siniarski children were under the age of 10. At home, they shot Hanka, who was lying in bed with her newborn baby.
Poles living nearby were ordered to dig a pit and bury all the murdered. The bodies were buried in the yard in the presence of the village leader in two separate pits. „A Jewish child was just one day old. So they took him on a spade, as my father told me that they took it on a spade and threw it into the pit.” After the war, the corpses of the Poles were moved to the parish cemetery in Lutkówka. „And for those Jews, some Jewish family came forward. And there was someone who remembered exactly where it happened. And they were taken away too, but whether to Israel I don’t know”.
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