Stanisław and Zofia Boczkowski
Stanisław and Zofia Boczkowski (née Ossowska, born in 1906) lived in Lviv during World War II. They sheltered a Jewish girl, Janka Stiglitz. They also harboured a Jewish girl, Mery Baron, who was rescued by Zofia from a mass execution. Janka left for Israel after the war, Mery graduated from university in Poland after which she left for Israel ...
Bronisław and Maria Bochenek
Bronisław (born 1913) and Maria (née Iwańska, born 29.11.1912) Bochenek helped Jews in Lwów in 1941. They delivered food to the ghetto to the Jewish doctor David Riesel. They then helped the Riesel family while already in Kraków. While living in Warsaw, they helped Prof. Józef Feldman, Prof. Głowiczower and Lea Riesel. Maria additionally gave h...
Joanna Błaś
Joanna Błaś (née Kuraś) was born on 23 February 1926. Daughter of Karol and Zofia (née Malinowska). During World War II, she lived in Lviv. In her home she sheltered Jews, including Marian Stalmeister. Joanna was also engaged in helping to arrange false documents for people of Jewish origin. Joanna Błaś was awarded the title of Righteous Amon...
Marian Bilewicz
Marian Marek Bilewicz lived in Lviv during the Second World War. He was involved in helping people of Jewish origin.
Franciszka Bil
Franciszka Bil lived in Lviv during the Second World War. Tomasz’s wife. She sheltered a 12-year-old Jewish boy Marek Wallach (Strauss) and his parents Yosef and Sidonia Wallach (Strauss) in her home for many months. Franciszka Bil was awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations in 2004.
Maria Bigoszewska
Maria Janina Bigoszewska (née Rybka) was born in 1915. During the Second World War she lived in Lviv. She sheltered the Jewish woman Anna Holzer and her daughter Roma. Maria Bigoszewska was awarded the Righteous Among the Nations title in 1997.
Zdzisław and Zofia Bielinski
Zdzisław (born 29 September 1908) and Zofia (born 3 February 1908) Bieliński lived in Lviv during the Second World War. The Bieliński home was a shelter for Jews in need of care. Zdzisław ran a private clinic, which was a place to shelter people of Jewish origin. Zdzisław and Zofia Bielinski were awarded the title of Righteous Among the Natio...
Janina and Marian Bielecki with daughter Maria
Janina and Marian Bielecki lived in Lviv (Ukraine) during the Second World War. Maria’s parents. They sheltered a Jewish man named Zelcer in their home until he obtained false documents.
Danuta Biały
Danuta (Jadwiga) Biały (née Muszka) was born in 1914. During the Second World War she lived in Lviv (Ukraine). Mieczysław’s sister. In her home she sheltered a woman of Jewish origin, Róża, and her daughter Mirelle. Danuta passed away on 21 April 1996. Danuta Biały was awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations in 2012.
Maria Besz
Maria Besz lived in Lviv during the Second World War. In her house she sheltered a man of Jewish origin, a graduate of the Lviv Polytechnic.
Janina Bertus
Janina Bertus lived in Lviv (Ukraine) during the Second World War. From 1943, she took care of a young Jewish boy for two years.
Józef and Anna Bernatowicz
Józef Bernatowicz (born on 10 January 1879 in Jarosław, Podkarpackie voivodship. Son of Anton and Ewa née Buhalska) and Anna Bernatowicz (née Halujko, born 13 July 1879 in Przemyśl, Podkarpackie voivodship. Daughter of Vasyl and Anastasia, née Hamadiuk). During World War II they lived in Lviv (Ukraine). For nine months they sheltered nine Jewis...
Włodzimierz and Danuta Bazarnik
Włodzimierz (born 28 May 1909) and Danuta (born 28 May 1928) Bazarniks were born in Lviv, where they lived during World War II. They sheltered five people of Jewish origin, including Marie Shun (née Friedman) and her daughter Malwina. Włodzimierz and Danuta Bazarnik were awarded the title Righteous Among the Nations in 1993.
Franciszek Bartoszek
Franciszek Józef Bartoszek (aka „Jacek”, „Stefan”) was born on 27 October 1910 in Pierania (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province). During World War II, he lived in Lviv (Ukraine), and later he moved to Jasło (Podkarpackie Voivodeship). From January 1942, he was a member of the Polish People’s Party (PPR), and in May 1942 he...
Krystyna Bar
Krystyna Bar (née Duma) was born on 2 October 1919. Daughter of Maria, sister of Bolesław-Tadeusz. During World War II she lived in Lviv (Ukraine). She hid and helped the Jewish Lenz family. Krystyna Bar was awarded the title Righteous Among the Nations in 1991.
Matylda Bagińska
During World War II, Matylda Bagińska sheltered Mieczysław Kittay for three days – he was an illusionist of Jewish origin who managed to escape from an SS prison camp in Lviv.
Godfryd Aulich
Godfryd Aulich lived in Lviv (Ukraine) during World War II. Husband of Kazimiera (née Raczyńska), father of Jerzy and Jan. He safekept the property and personal belongings of Oskar Berl – a Jewish acquaintance from the neighbourhood.
Bronisława Augustynek
Bronisława Augustynek (née Fritz) was born on 3 July 1927. She was the daughter of Wit and Maria. During World War II she lived in Lviv (Ukraine). Together with her family, she was engaged in helping Jews, including hiding them in her house. She passed away on 15 September 1984. Bronisława Augustynek was awarded the title of Righteous Among t...
Ryszard Adamowicz
Doctor Ryszard Adamowicz lived in Lviv during the German occupation. There, he became involved in helping a 17-year-old Jewish girl by finding her a hiding place at the home of his friend Wiesław Bogusz, a dentist. The man hid the woman in the kitchen and, together with Ryszard, helped her with food. After about two weeks, Ryszard was forced to...
Ms Adamczewska
Ms Adamczewska, a resident of Lwów, was friends with the Jewish family of Fryderyka and Leon Arnold before the war. The couple were the owners of a car parts shop. When, in August 1942, the Germans were deporting Jews from Lwów, Mrs Adamczewska gave 12-year-old Henryk, the Arnolds’ son, a short-term hiding at her home.
Kazimierz Kolbuszewski - murdered for helping Jews
It is impossible to make up for the losses caused by the enormous devastation inflicted by the occupying forces on Poland’s scientific community. These were thoughtful, well-educated people who cared about the scientific, cultural and spiritual future of the next generations. The elite was slaughtered. One of the victims representing this...
Pani Biesiecka - zamordowana za pomoc Żydom
Pani Biesiecka za ukrywanie żydowskich dzieci została powieszona przez Niemców w 1943 r. we Lwowie. Bibliografia: Bartoszewski, Z. Lewinówna, Ten jest z Ojczyzny mojej. Wspomnienia z lat 1939-1945 , Warszawa 2007. Zajączkowski, Martyrs of Charity , Washington D.C. 1988. [Strona internetowa:] www.felsztyn.tripod.com, dostęp: 03.02....
POLISH VERSIONStanisław Jerzy Hofmokl, Alfred i Salomea Wielopolscy
Stanisław Jerzy Hofmokl urodził się w 1869 r. we Lwowie. 18 lutego 1896 r. ożenił się z Romaną Zalewską. Po sprzedaniu rodzinnego majątku żony kupił w 1908 r. posiadłość w Zarzeczu k. Niska. Wraz z nim nabył las, pola uprawne i folwark w Klemensówce. Wkrótce Zarzecze stało się lokalnym ośrodkiem życia towarzyskiego i kulturalnego. Jedyna córka ...
POLISH VERSIONPiotr and Karolina Bogusz, Anna Bogusz, Andrzej Gazdan
Young Anna Bogusz worked until 1942, as a house keeper at the Jewish Falik family. Faliks lived in Lwów near Zofia’s Square. At the same time, one of the Faliks’ daughters married Samuel Weirauch. After the outbreak of the war, Anna went to her brother Piotr and his wife Karolina in Oleszyce. Falik family could not longer afford the...
Help for the Jewish population in Lviv
After entering the city Lviv, German soldiers discovered in the town about 160 thousand Jews. Many people of Jewish origin arrived here from the General government. On 1st of September 1939 the number got lower for about 1/3. When soldiers left Lviv in 1944, there were only about 700 Jews – the majority of them survived with the help from Poles...