Józef and Józefa Dmochów - murdered for helping Jews
Dmoch Józef
Dmoch Józefa
Kowalski Jan
Kowalska Ludwika
„Mr. Snitch” is a man with hundreds of roots, both sexes. In the summer of 1943 he arrived from Helenow to the police station in Radzymin. The Germans trusted „Mr. Snitch” also this time they did not fail to listen to him. „Józef and Józefa Dmochs lived in Helenów and are hiding a dozen or so Jews” – they made a scrupulous note and went to the given address. The Dmochs, without realising anything, were just at home. So were the Jews. The spouses were arrested and two Jews were captured. They shot the others. – Well, then it would still be appropriate to join the village leader – said one of the Germans. – It’s not nice that the authorities allowed for such a criminal activity”, he added with a snack. Soon, however, it was to turn out that the village leader had left somewhere and only his deputy was there.
– Go get your wife, you’ll come with us – the German turned to Jan Kowalski. – You’ll explain yourself from this, you’ve caused here – he burked. As soon as they arrived at the post, they shot two Jews, and put the Dmochs and the Kowalskis under arrest. They were tortured for several hours. Finally, they were all sentenced to death. However, Ludwika Kowalska, Jan’s wife, survived – probably thanks to Józefa’s testimony. In fact, the woman had no idea about the Jews and the help they were given. Józef and Józefa Dmochów and Jan Kowalski were shot in the prison yard. Their bodies were taken to the forest near Radzymin; they were buried there in a mass grave.
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